PalahBiswas On Unique Identity No1.mpg

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] Published in 1938: Propaganda in the Next War[s] to steal the World's gas/oil resources by Rockefeller Dynasties

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 3:42 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] Published in 1938: Propaganda in the Next War[s] to steal the World's gas/oil resources by Rockefeller Dynasties
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: [] On Behalf Of Alex James
Sent: 24 أكتوبر, 2010 10:35 م
To: Alex James
Subject: [MuslimIntelligencer] Published in 1938: Propaganda in the Next War[s] to steal the World's gas/oil resources by Rockefeller Dynasties [1 Attachment]



Very important quotes:

The following confirms what Presidents Jefferson, Lincoln and Jackson feared
would happen when Corporations became "enthroned" and worked upon the
prejudices of the people in order to maintain their grip on power and the
world's resources.

As is well known, the owners of Standard Oil and its allies have always
coveted the oil and gas reserves of the world and have used every trick in
the book to own or control its supply.

In his Reminiscences, John D. Rockefeller, the owner of Standard Oil (ESSO),
informed us that the entire American administration - including the CIA, and
its Armed forces were at its disposal to achieve what it could not otherwise
achieve by fair means or foul: "One of our greatest helpers has been the
State Department in Washington. Our ambassadors and ministers and consuls
have aided to push our way into new markets to the utmost corners of the

As Garry Allen also points out in his: The Rockefeller File, pages 159-160:
"American foreign policy has meant billions of dollars for the Rockefellers.
It has been paid for in many cases by the blood of our soldiers and in every
case by the sweat of our tax payers". A point further confirmed by
Washington reporter Jack Anderson in 1967: "...the State Department has
often taken its policies right out of the executive suites of the oil
companies. When Big Oil can't get what it wants in foreign countries, the
State Department tries to get it for them. In many countries, the American
Embassies function virtually as branch offices for the Oil combine...The
State Department can be found almost always on the side of the 'seven
sisters' as the oil giants are known inside the industry..." To which Allen
further adds: " Just as the Rockefellers make sure that their capos (men)
are running "our" perennially disastrous foreign policy, you can bet your
last devalued dollar that the Rockefeller Mafia controls the national and
international money game. The Rockefellers have made the Treasury Department
virtually a branch of Chase Manhatten Bank."

This global control of oil - through the power of money enforced by an army
of military bailiffs - began in the late 1880's with the decision made by
Admiral Jack Fisher that the British Fleet would convert to oil as its
primary fuel which, under the policy of "strategic denial", would then
belong to Britain and be denied, where ever possible, to all others.

1913. As usual most of our foreign policies were, and still are, driven by
booty not duty: "We must become the owners, or at any rate the controllers
at the source, of at least a proportion of the oil which we require..."

This policy, proposed by Winston Churchill, was endorsed by a British Royal
Commission, which fully agreed with his policies towards Iraq (Mesopotamia),
in 1913.

1919. "What we want to have in existence, what we ought to have been
creating in this time is some administration with Arab institutions which we
can safely leave while pulling the strings ourselves; something that won't
cost very much, which the Labour government can swallow consistent with its
'principles, but under which our economic and political interests will be
secure. [.....] If the French remain in Syria we shall have to avoid giving
them the excuse of setting up a protectorate. If they go, or if we appear to
be reactionary in Mesopotamia, there is always the risk that [King] Faisal
will encourage the Americans to take over both, and it should be borne in
mind that the Standard Oil company is very anxious to take over Iraq." Sir
Arthur Hirtzel, Head of the British government's 'India Office Political
Department. 1919

1947. "Our strategic and security interests throughout the world will be
best safeguarded by the establishment in suitable spots of 'Police
Stations', fully equipped to deal with emergencies within a large radius.
Kuwait is one such spot from which Iraq, South Persia, Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf could be controlled. It will be worthwhile to go to
considerable trouble and expense to establish and man a 'Police Station'
there." British Foreign Office, policy memo, 1947


Originally published in 1938


This particular book Propaganda In The Next War formed part of a series of
eight volumes entitled The Next War, which were first published in England
in 1938, but it is, perhaps, the most important of them all, for it exposes
the thinking behind propaganda which is still prevalent to this day. Even
though it was written, at a time when the military hardware and delivery
systems were light years ahead of what they were when Nicolo Machiavelli
wrote The Prince, this particular tome mirrors his thinking exactly. Today,
Henry Kissinger, might well be regarded as the inheritor of the mantle of
both Captain Sydney Rogerson (this book's author), and the arch strategist
Machiavelli, who would, I feel sure, be gratified at seeing the
implementation of his thinking executed on so grand a scale at the World
Trade Centre this September.

So who was Captain Sidney Rogerson and what was his agenda? His entry in
Who's Who describes him as a: "Publicity and Public Relations Consultant and
author. Born 22nd of October 1894. Son of the Reverend S. Rogerson. B.A. in
Modern History 1916; Served in the European War; Commissioned in the West
Yorkshire Regiment 1916-1919. Demobilised in 1919. 1923-30 was Publicity
Manager for the F.B.I (Federation of British Industry); Joined I.C.I
(Imperial Chemical Industries) in 1930; Publicity Controller I.C.I Ltd.,
1932-1952. Publicity and Public Relations Advisor to the Army Council, War
Office, 1952-3-4. Hon. Col. 44th (Home Counties) Infantry Division. Signals
Regiment T.A., 1955. Publications: Twelve Days, 1933: Last of the Ebb, 1937:
Propaganda in the Next War,1938: Old Enchantment, 1938: Our Bird Book, 1946:
Both Sides Of The Road, 1949.

His book Twelve Days was a narrative history of warfare during The Great War
in the Somme during the winter of 1916, a history read by both Winston
Churchill and Anthony Eden in August 1936. So Rogerson, was a man with first
hand knowledge of warfare and the value of propaganda in winning that
particular confrontation. Which, he used to great advantage, in compiling
this important study. Of particular interest are his observations about the
Japanese "tactlessly" dumping their shoddy goods in I.C.I's traditional
markets, which made it much easier to arouse hostilities towards them.

An issue, not mentioned specifically by Rogerson, concerning the causes of
World Wars 1 and 2, and the one Winston Churchill recognised as the main
flash point was money or, more to the point, a lack of it. Money which was
created by what he referred to as our "hideous, convoluted monetary system"
which prevented sufficient money from being placed in circulation. Rogerson,
as the Publicity Controller for what was, at the time, the world's largest
chemical corporation was very much alive to the threat that Japan and the
other axis powers posed to, not only I.C.I., but to all the members of the
Federation of British Industries. They were trapped on the treadmill of debt
which they could not get off, as Germany was desperately trying to do. As
members of the F.B.I. - conditioned by the propaganda of the banks - they
found it difficult to recognise that the conditions which caused most, if
not all wars, were due, to what Keynes referred to as: "The deficiency of
effective (domestic) demand." In other words, insufficient money in
circulation to "satisfy the purchasing requirements of consumers," which was
further exacerbated by those other insane notions that a country has to
either: "export or die," or that it can have either "guns or butter" but not
both, even when it has failed to satisfy the needs of its own domestic

Archbishop William Temple correctly defined the problem in 1942: "The trend
towards war is inherent in the internal economy of the modern nation. The
essential evil in the ordering of European life has been the inversion of
the proper relations between finance, production and consumption..."

As Winston Churchill pointed out to Lord Robert Boothby. "The unforgivable
crime of Germany, before the second world war, was her attempt to extricate
its economic power from the world's trading system and create its own
exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to

In the wake of the demolition of the World Trade Centre by terrorists - and
no one can deny that it was a terrorist act - it is important for us to bear
in mind that the events may not have been carried out by Osama Bin Ladin or
the Taliban, but by forces much closer to home. The incredible evidence
this book contains and the picture it paints of the thinking and
machinations of Britain towards her allies prior to World War 1, show how
radically and speedily they changed to suit - what Lord Palmerston regarded
as our permanent interests in the run up to World War 2. Of particular
importance, to all segments of society, regardless of their country, race or
religion, is the evidence it contains about Palestine, and how propaganda
played a significant part in the defeat of Germany in World Wars I and II,
and the role it continues to play in all conflicts where the end justifies
the means.

Well known for his gruff, self-assertive manner, Lord Palmerston made
Britain's long-term intentions towards other countries and their natural
resources absolutely clear when he declared that: "We no longer have
permanent principles, but permanent interests, which we pursue to the
exclusion of all else." And, unfortunately, nothing has changed since he
made this astonishing admission. Lord Palmerston entered parliament as John
Henry Temple, a Tory, in 1807, and was Secretary of War from 1809 to 1828,
before joining the Whigs. As the Whig foreign secretary 1830-34; 1835-41;
and 1846-51 he helped to secure Belgian independence and worked against
Russian influence in the east. During his premiership (he was Prime Minister
between 1855-58 and 1859-65) he attempted to take Britain into the American
Civil War on the side of the South. He defeated the Sepoy revolt during the
Indian Mutiny in 1857 to 1858, and spoke out in favour of Italian

For the past one hundred years, or so, these "permanent interests" have
included the control of the oil and gas reserves of a sizeable proportion of
the world's known resources and any new ones that are discovered. A policy
heartily endorsed by Winston Churchill who openly, and unashamedly declared:
"We must become the owners, or at any rate the controllers at the source, of
at least a proportion of the oil which we require..."

This policy, regarding the oilfields of Mesopotamia (present day Iraq)
proposed by Churchill in 1913 was fully endorsed by a British Royal
Commission, which completely agreed with his policies. We should not forget
the admission of T.E.Lawrence in his 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' that his
"betrayal", of the Arabs, was a "regrettable" but necessary device in
arriving at a "cheap and speedy victory" in order to protect Britain's
"petroleum" interests in "Mesopotamia." Which resulted in the 'Red Line
Agreement' and the official carving up of the oil wealth of the Islamic
world following permanent dismemberment of the Turkish Caliphate and the
ushering into existence (through terrorism and deception) the two "Secular:
Zionist States of "Modern" Turkey and Israel."

Churchill's view was shared by Sir Arthur Hirtzel, Head of the British
government's 'India Office Political Department. Who, in 1919, made the
following recommendation, which clearly came to pass: "What we want to have
in existence, what we ought to have been creating in this time is some
administration with Arab institutions which we can safely leave while
pulling the strings ourselves; something that won't cost very much, which
the Labour government can swallow consistent with its 'principles, but under
which our economic and political interests will be secure. [.....] If the
French remain in Syria we shall have to avoid giving them the excuse of
setting up a protectorate. If they go, or if we appear to be reactionary in
Mesopotamia, there is always the risk that [King] Faisal will encourage the
Americans to take over both, and it should be borne in mind that the
Standard Oil company is very anxious to take over Iraq."

No one, with any real knowledge of the present situation in Afghanistan or
the Middle East is under any illusion that the present crisis is all about
oil and other hydrocarbons which is the holy grail for the likes of Bush,
Kissinger, Enron, Unocal, and Standard Oil - for which also read
Rockefeller, the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.N. and NATO.

Muslims, like most rightly thinking people, not only reject terrorism but
reject any kind of violence that may be used as a means of furthering any
political agenda. For this very reason we should never lose sight of the
fact that: "war is politics by other means." It is, therefore, important to
be fully aware of the evidence given by John J Maresca, a Vice President of
the giant Unocal Oil Corporation, to the Committee on United States
Interests in the Central Asian Republics hearings before the Sub-committee
on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on International Relations House of
Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress Second Session February 12,
1998, and whilst I am not saying that Unocal played a part in the WTC
incident, both it and its allies stand to benefit from the opportunity that
its demolition and the smoke screen conveniently provides for "Big Oil" to
impose a government of their choice on the people of Afghanistan and the
rest of Central Asia. We saw this in Iran, when the CIA toppled the
democratically elected government of Mossadeg, in favour of General Zahidi,
who was favoured by both the Americans and the British, because he was, in
the words of Sir Samuel Fall: "vain, plausible and thoroughly


"Next we would like to hear from Mr. John J. Maresca, vice president of
international relations, Unocal Corporation. You may proceed as you wish:

Mr. Maresca. "Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It's nice to see you again. I am John
Maresca, vice president for international relations of the Unocal
Corporation. Unocal, as you know, is one of the world's leading energy
resource and project development companies. I appreciate your invitation to
speak here today. I believe these hearings are important and timely. I
congratulate you for focusing on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and the
role they play in shaping U.S. policy. I would like to focus today on three

Ø "First, the need for multiple pipeline routes for Central Asian oil
and gas resources.

Ø Second, the need for U.S. support for international and regional
efforts to achieve balanced and lasting political settlements to the
conflicts in the region, including Afghanistan.

Ø "Third, the need for structured assistance to encourage economic
reforms and the development of appropriate investment climates in the
region. In this regard, we specifically support repeal or removal of section
907 of the Freedom Support Act.

"Mr. Chairman, the Caspian region contains tremendous untapped hydrocarbon
reserves. Just to give an idea of the scale, proven natural gas reserves
equal more than 236 trillion cubic feet. The region's total oil reserves may
well reach more than 60 billion barrels of oil. Some estimates are as high
as 200 billion barrels. In 1995, the region was producing only 870,000
barrels per day. By 2010, western companies could increase production to
about 4.5 million barrels a day, an increase of more than 500 percent in
only 15 years. If this occurs, the region would represent about 5 percent of
the world's total oil production. One major problem has yet to be resolved:
how to get the region's vast energy resources to the markets where they are
needed. Central Asia is isolated. Their natural resources are landlocked,
both geographically and politically. Each of the countries in the Caucasus
and Central Asia faces difficult political challenges. Some have unsettled
wars or latent conflicts. Others have evolving systems where the laws and
even the courts are dynamic and changing. In addition, a chief technical
obstacle, which we in the industry face in transporting oil, is the region's
existing pipeline infrastructure. Because the region's pipelines were
constructed during the Moscow-centred Soviet period, they tend to head north
and west toward Russia. There are no connections to the south and east. But
Russia is currently unlikely to absorb large new quantities of foreign oil.
It's unlikely to be a significant market for new energy in the next decade.
It lacks the capacity to deliver it to other markets...From the outset we
have made it clear that the construction of the pipeline we have proposed
across Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is in place
that has the confidence of governments, lenders, and our company. "

Mr. John J. Maresca, vice president of international relations, Unocal

As is well known, the owners of Standard Oil and its allies have always
coveted the oil and gas reserves of the world and have used every trick in
the book to own or control its supply. In his Reminiscences, John D.
Rockefeller, the owner of Standard Oil (ESSO), informed us that the entire
American administration - including the CIA, and its Armed forces were at
its disposal to achieve what it could not otherwise achieve by fair means or
foul: "One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department in
Washington. Our ambassadors and ministers and consuls have aided to push our
way into new markets to the utmost corners of the world..."

As Garry Allen also points out in his: The Rockefeller File, pages 159-160:
"American foreign policy has meant billions of dollars for the Rockefellers.
It has been paid for in many cases by the blood of our soldiers and in every
case by the sweat of our tax payers". A point further confirmed by
Washington reporter Jack Anderson in 1967: "...the State Department has
often taken its policies right out of the executive suites of the oil
companies. When Big Oil can't get what it wants in foreign countries, the
State Department tries to get it for them. In many countries, the American
Embassies function virtually as branch offices for the Oil combine...The
State Department can be found almost always on the side of the 'seven
sisters' as the oil giants are known inside the industry..." To which Allen
further adds: " Just as the Rockefellers make sure that their capos (men)
are running "our" perennially disastrous foreign policy, you can bet your
last devalued dollar that the Rockefeller Mafia controls the national and
international money game. The Rockefellers have made the Treasury Department
virtually a branch of Chase Manhatten Bank."

This global control of oil - through the power of money enforced by an army
of military bailiffs - began in the late 1880's with the decision made by
Admiral Jack Fisher that the British Fleet would convert to oil as its
primary fuel which, under the policy of "strategic denial", would then
belong to Britain and be denied, where ever possible, to all others.

1913. As usual most of our foreign policies were, and still are, driven by
booty not duty: "We must become the owners, or at any rate the controllers
at the source, of at least a proportion of the oil which we require..."

This policy, proposed by Winston Churchill, was endorsed by a British Royal
Commission, which fully agreed with his policies towards Iraq (Mesopotamia),
in 1913.

1919. "What we want to have in existence, what we ought to have been
creating in this time is some administration with Arab institutions which we
can safely leave while pulling the strings ourselves; something that won't
cost very much, which the Labour government can swallow consistent with its
'principles, but under which our economic and political interests will be
secure. [.....] If the French remain in Syria we shall have to avoid giving
them the excuse of setting up a protectorate. If they go, or if we appear to
be reactionary in Mesopotamia, there is always the risk that [King] Faisal
will encourage the Americans to take over both, and it should be borne in
mind that the Standard Oil company is very anxious to take over Iraq."

Sir Arthur Hirtzel, Head of the British government's 'India Office Political
Department. 1919

1947. "Our strategic and security interests throughout the world will be
best safeguarded by the establishment in suitable spots of 'Police
Stations', fully equipped to deal with emergencies within a large radius.
Kuwait is one such spot from which Iraq, South Persia, Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf could be controlled. It will be worthwhile to go to
considerable trouble and expense to establish and man a 'Police Station'
there." British Foreign Office, policy memo, 1947

The following confirms what Presidents Jefferson, Lincoln and Jackson feared
would happen when Corporations became "enthroned" and worked upon the
prejudices of the people in order to maintain their grip on power and the
world's resources.

1913. "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely
controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government
of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the
majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of
dominant men."

NOTE PLEASE MAKE FONT SMALLER: President Woodrow Wilson, following the
establishment of the privately owned Federal Reserve System in 1913.

1941. "If war aims are stated which seem to be solely concerned with
Anglo-American imperialism, they will offer little to people in the rest of
the world. The interests of other peoples should be stressed. This would
have a better propaganda effect."

Private memo from The Council of Foreign Relations to the US State
Department, 1941

1998. "The U.S.A. has supplied arms, security equipment and training to
governments and armed groups that have committed torture, political killings
and other human rights abuses in countries around the world."

Amnesty International ["United States of America - Rights for All] October

If the United Nations continues to fail to exercise its mandate in the
interests of the whole of humanity, then its supporters and critics would
appear to be correct in their assessments of its aims and objectives.
Furthermore, as the Rockefellers and Standard Oil provided the land for the
United Nations and much of its initial funding it seems unlikely that their
intentions for the organisation were - at any stage - honourable or
humanitarian; and explain why Israel and the United States are never brought
to task for their continuous rejection of any U.N. resolution deemed
"hostile to their interests" - For which read Rockefeller, Standard Oil, et

Ø David Ben Gurion, Time Magazine, August 16th 1948: "The United
Nations is a Jewish Ideal".

Ø Henry Klein, New York Jewish Lawyer: "The United Nations is
Zionism". In 'Zionism Rules The World'.

Ø United States Congressman James B. Utt: "The United Nations has
strict double standards which guide it through its devious treacherous path
to world domination."

Ø James Paul Warburg, to the United States Senate on February 17th,
1950: "We will have world government, whether or not we like it. The only
question is, whether world government will be achieved by conquest or

Ø Ramsey Clark the Former U.S. Attorney General under President Lyndon
Johnson made absolutely clear: "The greatest crime since World War II has
been U.S. foreign policy."

Ø General David Sharp a former United States Marine Commandant 1966:
"I believe that if we had and would keep our dirty, bloody, dollar soaked
fingers out of the business of these [Third World] nations so full of
depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own.
And if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because
the "haves" refuse to share with the "have-nots" by any peaceful method, at
least what they get will be their own, and not the American style, which
they don't want and above all don't want crammed down their throats by

In 1799, Thomas Jefferson gave the following warning, which has been
ignored, along with other good advice right up to the present day: "Single
acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day, but a
series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through
every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan
of reducing us to slavery." Subsequently referred to as: "the conspiracy

If America does not heed these warnings, she may well become, (as predicted
by David Ben-Gurion in Look magazine and Life magazine of January 1962): "A
Welfare State with A Planned Economy" with Jerusalem as the centre of a
United Nation's World Government at whose disposal will be a world police
force - NATO.

However there is good news and bad news. As Muhammad, the last Prophet
foretold: "When Dajjal - Anti-Christ - fails to bring the whole world under
his control, through his machinations and false beliefs - the Christian
nations will gather under 80 banners to try and bring peace to the world,
but would betray the world and bring about its ultimate destruction."

But before they do, according to the Qur'an, the second coming of Christ
must occur. According to the Hadith a brief period of peace will ensue
during which time a resolution of the differences that created the schisms
amongst Christ's followers will be accomplished and those that exist between
the Muslims and the Christians will also be resolved resulting in a grand
alliance between Al Mahdi and Christ Jesus, the son of Mary peace be upon
them both, who will be followed by sincere believers from both camps. In
spite of the machinations envisaged by A.J.Quinnell in his - The Mahdi - in
which M16 and the CIA collude to bring to power a Mahdi of their own choice
to control the Muslim world and all its mineral resources - the final
outcome is already known with the ink on the page is already dry - the only
choice remaining is the camp to which we choose to belong - are we to found
among the forces of Christ, or the forces of anti-Christ?

David M Pidcock

The Institute For Rational Economics

Sheffield S103HN


September 2001.


Lest we forget! In a Congressional speech in the United States Senate on
April 25th 1939, recorded in the Congressional Record, 76th Congress,
Vol.84, No.82, pages 6597-6604, Senator Gerald P. Nye, of North Dakota,

"There has been published a series of works under the title 'The Next War.'
One of the volumes in this series is entitled 'Propaganda In The Next War.'
This particular volume was written by one Sidney Rogerson. I have been
unable to obtain any trace of his background or of his connections; but the
editor-in-chief of all these works, including the one entitled 'Propaganda
in the Next War' is a man whose name is recog­nised the world over as an
authority in Great Britain. He is non-other than Capt. Liddell Hart,
associated with the London Times, a writer and a military authority in
Europe. The following are quotations from this authority:

'For sometime the issue as to which side the United States would take hung
in the balance, the final result was a credit to our propaganda [i.e.
British]. There remain the Jews. It has been estimated that of the world Jew
population of approxi­mately 15,000,000, no fewer than 5,000,000 are in the
United States; 25% of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great
War we bought off this huge American Jewish Public by the promise of the
Jewish national home in Palestine, held by (General) Ludendorf to be the
master stroke of allied propaganda, as it enabled us not only to appeal to
Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well."'

"To persuade her (the United States) to take our part will be much more
difficult, so difficult as to be unlikely to succeed; It will need a
definite threat to America, a threat, moreover which will have to be brought
home by propaganda to every citizen, before the republic will again take
arms in an external quarrel... The position will naturally be considerably
eased if Japan were involved, and this might and probably would bring
America in without further ado. At any rate, it would be the natural and
obvious object of our propagandists to this, just as during the Great War
they succeeded in embroiling the United States with Germany. Fortunately
with America, our propaganda is on firm We can be entirely sincere, as our
main plank will he democratic one. We must clearly enunciate our belief in
the democratic form of government, and our firm resolve to adhere to it. Our
minor propaganda will aim at attaching the support of important sections,
such as the Jews, probably by the declaration of a clear-cut policy on
Palestine, and of our intentions, if victorious, to put an end to
anti-Semitic persecutions and of the Roman Catholic community in similar
terms...In the realm of the moving picture industry we may be able to depend
on the natural bias of the United States film manufacturers in favour of
Great Britain as opposed to Germany, Japan, or Italy, and on their command
of the machinery of international film distribution. This will be an asset
both with the stock entertainment picture and the news reels."

George Armstrong informs us that at the time of him writing "The Rothschild
Money Trust" in 1940, that: "The President has dispatched the fleet to the
Pacific. This is for the purpose of war with Japan. It can be of no other
purpose. If Japan will only torpedo one of these boats, the Jewish Press,
the Jewish Radio and the Jewish Cinema the do the rest. The Jewish Admiral
Taussig stated to a Congressional Investigating Committee that 'War with
Japan is inevitable, [The Rothschild Money Trust, page 64]

He goes on to state that: "They 'bought-off the huge American Jewish Public'
with the promise of Palestine, and with them they bought the powerful
metropolitan Jewish press and the Wilson Administration, says George
Armstrong, in his The Rothschild Money Trust. But the next time it would
require an act of aggression in line with Rogerson's suggestion; a
suggestion that eventually came to pass.

Miles Copeland, in his autobiography: 'The Game Player [pages 68-69]
confirms that president Roosevelt allowed the (Japanese to destroy America's
Pacific Fleet and hundreds of his own people. Having broken Japanese codes,
they already knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor. Copeland's new
boss informed him about the meeting between CIA-Admiral Sidney Sauers and
president Harry Trueman. When Sauers promised that America would never again
suffer an attack like Pearl Harbour, Trueman said that he obviously had not
received his secret briefing, otherwise he would have known that "President
Roosevelt got the intelligence, and he decided to let the Pearl Harbour
attack happen as a way of arousing an otherwise apathetic populace."

From the Diaries of U.S. Secretary Stimson, we find recorded in: "President
Roosevelt and the Coming Of The War 1941 - A Study In Appearances &
Realities", by Charles A Beard, Yale University Press, the admission that
he, together with General Marshall, Admiral Stark, Knox, Hull, and Roosevelt
were all sitting in the Oval Office, on the 25th of November, one full week
before the attack on Pearl Harbor, wondering: "how to manoeuvre the Japanese
into firing the first shot without allowing to much danger to ourselves..."
So much for the Day of Infamy Speech which was written long before the
actual event. For Roosevelt, unlike Churchill: "did not role his own

Therefore, the success of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, was entirely
due to the fact that it was part of a much wider, long-term plan, which
served the strategic interests of the black propagandists - a plan and a
process which is still in force today. It occurred because, as Truman
understood and Roosevelt stated: "Nothing happens by accident. If a thing
happened it happened because it was planned that way..."

When the evidence finally emerges about the real identity of the masterminds
behind the events of September 11th, it seems hard to imagine that George W
Bush Jr, along with a sizeable contingent from his entourage and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, will be able to escape impeachment for what could
justifiably be termed Slaughtergate 911. Particularly when linked to the
collapse of Enron, the possible winding up or "shredding" of Arthur Anderson
and as the basis for the sequel to the movie 'Wag The Dog', for, as someone
quite rightly remarked - The Plot Sickens.

January 27th 2002

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Palash Biswas
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