PalahBiswas On Unique Identity No1.mpg

Saturday, August 9, 2014

अब तेलकुओं की आग भी केसरिया हुआ रे भाया। गब्बर पूछै बैंकिंग सेक्टर से,अब कालिया,तेरा क्या होगा रे अमेरिका संग रास रचायेंगे,शाही कबाब बनवाएंगे पलाश विश्वास

अब तेलकुओं की आग भी केसरिया हुआ रे भाया।

गब्बर पूछै बैंकिंग सेक्टर से,अब कालिया,तेरा क्या होगा रे

अमेरिका संग रास रचायेंगे,शाही कबाब बनवाएंगे

पलाश विश्वास

The government had introduced the Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014, and the Apprentices (Amendment) Bill, 2014, in Lok Sabha on Thursday .

Wants NDA to junk provisions on women workers in night shifts, employing apprentices

Congress has decided to object to four key amendments in the labour laws introduced by the government this week, setting the stage for another confrontation with the ruling party .

Senior Congress MPs, including vice-president Rahul Gandhi, met on Friday and decided the party won't support the Bills unless the government drops these amendments which, they argue, is completely different from what the previous UPA regime had worked on.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Singal earlier this week in the Rs 50lakh bribery scandal involving Syndicate Bank chairman S K Jain, who is also in custody .

SBI has a Rs 6,000-crore exposure to Bhushan Steel, a sizeable chunk of the steelmaker's Rs 40,000-crore borrowings from Indian banks. Syndicate Bank has a Rs 100-crore exposure the steelmaker . Bhushan Steel's market cap stood at Rs 4,969 crore on Friday.

IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Issue of technology transfer also discussed with visiting US defence secretary as government is focused on manufacturing of defence equipment at home

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday told visiting US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel that India would like to work with US defence majors on a joint development and co-production model as part of Delhi's efforts to achieve self-reliance and reduce arms import.

वैश्विक इशारों में तो फिर कयामत की आहट है।

गृहयुद्ध से छिन्न भिन्न इराक में फिर वहीं तेलयुद्ध का नजारा।

अमेरिकी अगुवाई में नाटो युद्धक विमानों की चांदमारी और तेलकुंओं मे लगी अनंत ज्वालामुखी।

दूसरी ओर अमेरिकी सैन्य राजनयिक मदद से इजराइल का विश्व जनमत को हिरोशिमा नागासाकी बनाकर गाजापट्टी में इंसानी शिक कबाब की बेलगाम दावत।

डालरनत्थी भारतीय अरबपतियों करोड़पतियों,अब भी वक्त है,डालर पर मत इतराइयो।

मुम्मु बेबी से काका ने कभी गा गा कहकर कहा था,गोरा रंग ढल जायेगा।

खैर,पहले सुपरस्टार  काका तो अल्लाह को प्यारे हो गये।

एंग्री यंगमैन अब भी थोक भाव से अरबपति बनाने वाली मुक्तबाजारी अर्थव्यवस्था में करोड़पति बानाने की कवायद कर रहे हैं और अबकि दफा करोड़पतिया बाबा के योगाभ्यास शिविर में कहकहे लगवाकर अरबपति बने ताजातरीन हंसोड़ बादशाह भी नत्थी है।

बेमौत मारे जाने वाली कौम की संजीवनी कामेडी कम लाटरी है।

डालर पर घनघर संकट बदरिया छायो रे।सद्दाम की आत्मा जाग्यो री।

पुतिनबाबा ने पश्चिमी देशों से आयात पर बंदिश लगा दी है और साइबेरिया उड़ान क्षेत्र भी निषिद्ध होने वाला है।

1989 का वह संक्रमणकाल याद करो रे भाया।

ब्लू स्टार से बहुमती बाहुबलि सरकार ने श्रीलंका में शांति सेना भी भेज दी थी तब।

फिर इलेक्शन में अमेरिकापरस्त भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी जनजागरण की फसल बतौर दो संतानें एकमुश्त एकदम फिल्मी,कमंडल बनाम मंडल।

आरक्षण युद्ध का कायकल्प बाबरी विध्वंस तक और इसीके मध्य चंद्रशेखरी भुगतान संतुलन संकट और खाड़ी युद्ध।

तत्पश्चात नरसिंह अवतार और मनमोहनी अवतरण।

नवउदारवाद का वह पहला चरण वह।

अबकी दफा अमेरिका इजराइल के साथ नत्थी डालर इकोनामिक्स,पारमाणविक सैन्य गठजोड़,गाजापट्टी विध्वंस,केसरियाकारपोरेट नमोनमोमय भारत और तेलकुंओं की आग अपन यूपी में जहां हर जनपद अब इराक है,बस अमेरिकी बमवर्षकों की कसर बाकी है।

ऊपर से सरकार पर भारी कारपोरेट शाहसवारी।

फिर अकाली राजनीति प्रबल उसीतरह और आपरेशन ब्लू स्टार परिदृश्य घनघटा गगन घटा घहरानी अस्सी का दशक अस्सी गंगा तीरे तो ब्रह्मपुत्र में भंवर प्रबल कि उल्फा युद्धघोषणा हो गयो रे।

नवउदारवाद का दूसरा चरण यह।

तब बाबा बुश थे।

अब बाबा बाराक हुसैन ओबामा।

तब यूरो प्रवक्ता सद्दाम यूरो सहयोगे महिषासुर।

अबकी दफा पुतिन महिषासुर।

दुर्गाअवतार की झांकी अभी बाकी है।

इसी पृष्ठभूमि में विदेशी निवेशकों की अटल आस्था डगमगाने लगी है।

अब जैसे दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध के बाद मार्कमानक का हुआ,वैसा किसी गणितीय त्रिकोणमिति चमत्कार से असंभव अमेरिकी पराभव से मसलन यूरो के पुनरूत्थान चमत्कार से हो गया तो इस अरबपति करोड़पति जमात का क्या होगा रे।

इसी के मध्य खैनी मसलते गब्बे बोल्या,अबे बैंक कित्ते ठैरे।

अबी गिनती मुश्किल है।जवाब।

का विवनिवेश विनिवेश चीख्यो,सभै सही सलामत कैसे रे।गब्बर बोल्यो।

एसबीआई को मार दो।

एसबीआई कांपे बुखार लागा हो जैसे।

क्या होगा रे तेरा।बहुत नमक खायो जनता ने सर गब्बर भाया।

मलाई चाट्यो कौन ससुरै।एसबीआई की बोलती बंद।

नमक खायो जनता ने।मलाई चाट्यो जनता ने।

तू अब गोली खा।

इस मकम्मल मुक्तबाजारी कायाकल्प के दूसरे चरण की उड़ान के ठीक पहले के क्षण गाजा इराक यूपी त्रिभुजमध्ये फंसा है सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र का बैंकिग सेक्टर।

जब तक ये बैंक असुर रहेंगे ससुरे,कोई सुधारो पोसिबिल नहीं।

सारे के सारे पढ़ेलिक्खे दीखै।

मुसीबतो है।

सबै चाल बूझ लियो तो विपदा घनघोर।

इन सारन को धूल चटादो दो कुरुक्षेत्र फतह।

सर को खींच्यो तो कान नाक आंख सबैं हाथोंहाथ।

विनिवेश का सारा बोझ बैंकिंग सेक्टर पर।

एसबीआई और एलआईसी हिस्सेदारी खरीद में साझेदार।

सारी राजनीतिक घोषणाओं,सामाजिक योजनाओं से बंटाधार वहीं एसबीआई का।

बैड लोन की भारी शिकायत है।

बैड लोन आखिर है क्या बला।

बैंक वाले इतने भी गधे नहीं कि कारोबार समझते नहीं।

कारपोरेट को बैंकलोन का फैसला राजनीतिक दबाव से होता है।

एक फीसद दो फीसद ब्याज दर कौन तय करता है।

विजय माल्या का किंगफिशर हो या भूषण स्टटील,बैड लोन का आखिरी फैसला किसका होता है,इसकी कभी सीबीाई जांच नहीं होगी।

वित्तमंत्री जो है वहीं फिर रक्षा मंत्री है।

अमेरिकी सरकार पधारो म्हारा देश।

अमेरिका संग रास रचायेंगे।

शौ पीसद,सौ फीसद डीफेंस एफडीआई

इस पर तुर्रा बीमा एफडीआई

उस पर भी तुर्रा रिटेल में विदेशी बहार

इन सबसे ऊपर बीस ताले पर बैठो विपक्ष और क्षत्रप सारे।

पार्टी वहीं जिसकी मय्या महतारी रिमोटधर्यो।

बेट्टा डोलत हुंकारे।

बिटिया रानी नाच नचाओ।

दामाद जी  कैश धर्यो गिरधारी महाराज।

औरतें नाइट शिप्ट में कमाई के कातिर बाहर न निकले नमो महाराज।

अप्रेटिंस को भी जाब मिलना चाहिए।

इतना सा राइडर है भायो।बाकी फैक्ट्री एक्ट बदल दो।

ससुरे लेबर कमीशन को हिजड़ा बना दो।सारे कर्मचारियों का गला काट दो।

जो भी कुछ है सरकारी चाहो तो इस सरकार का भी विनिवेश कर दो।

श्रम कानून तो क्या चीज है,सारे कानून का हाल यही होना है।

संविधान को फेंक देना है।

न खाता न बही।जो शाहज्यू कहें, वही सही।

घर घर गाजा।

घर घर इराक।

घर घर यूपी।

जय जय जय बाराक बाबा की जय हो।

जयजयजय हो।

जय जयजय साहज्यू महारजा की जयहो।

पांव लाग्यो रहै महाराज।

न अगवाड़े की सोच्यो।

नि पिछवाड़े की सोच्यो।

दसो दिशायें केसरिया है।

अब तेलकुओं की आग भी केसरिया हुआ रे भाया।

Aug 09 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

To Ensure Labour Pangs for NDA, Cong sets Terms to Back Factory Bill



Wants NDA to junk provisions on women workers in night shifts, employing apprentices

Congress has decided to object to four key amendments in the labour laws introduced by the government this week, setting the stage for another confrontation with the ruling party .

Senior Congress MPs, including vice-president Rahul Gandhi, met on Friday and decided the party won't support the Bills unless the government drops these amendments which, they argue, is completely different from what the previous UPA regime had worked on.

In the Factories Law Act, Congress is objecting to the provisions for increasing the number of employees without giving them provident fundgratuity cover. The party also wants the government to drop the proposal to lift the ban on employing women in night shifts from 7 pm to 6 am. Congress thinks this provision goes against the spirit of increasing the safety and welfare of women workers.

In the Apprentices Act, it is against the amendment that seeks to allow factories to enhance the minimum number of apprentices employable, per quarterly , from 50 to 100 per unit.

The party thinks it could encourage factories to "to make increasing use of apprentices at the cost of regular workers" as a shortcut to skirt the provisions of labour laws besides affecting chances of regularisation of apprentices.

The government had introduced the Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014, and the Apprentices (Amendment) Bill, 2014, in Lok Sabha on Thursday . ET had reported that Sangh-affiliated trade union Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh too had reservations about the amendments.

Aug 09 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)

Let us Jointly Develop Arms: Modi to Hagel



IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Issue of technology transfer also discussed with visiting US defence secretary as government is focused on manufacturing of defence equipment at home

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday told visiting US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel that India would like to work with US defence majors on a joint development and co-production model as part of Delhi's efforts to achieve self-reliance and reduce arms import.

Hagel, in New Delhi exactly a week after Secretary of State John Kerry made his trip to India, was told that the Modi government would like to boost defence partnership beyond a buyer-seller relationship, according to official sources.

The issue was discussed at the Strategic Dialogue with Kerry too.

The issue of technology transfer was also discussed as the Modi government is focused on manufacturing of defence equipment at home. "The prime minister underlined the importance of defence relations in the overall strategic partnership between the two countries and indicated his desire to see progress in defence relations, including in defence manufacturing in India, technology transfer in defence, exercises and higher studies in the field of defence," a press release issued by PMO said.

Officials well-versed with the development told ET that Modi's mantra is to attain self-sufficiency in defence manufacturing through joint development and co-production with countries like US, France and other interested partners besides existing cooperation with Russia.

"This collaboration helps in transfer of technology for Indian defence firms to adopt modern technologies and will reduce dependence on arms import in long run," a source said.

T he Union Cabinet had on Wednesday approved a proposal to raise foreign direct investment in defence to 49% from 26%. En route to India, Hagel said the US was mindful of the sensitivities of India's independence and non-aligned status.

However, officials admitted that US defence majors were not still excited about 49% FDI and would prefer a controlling stake for transfer of technology and manufacturing quality equipment. The Cabinet's decision still may not encourage big US defence firms to seek partnership here, sources hinted.

Renewing a 10-year defence framework agreement due to expire next year is high on Hagel's agenda. Hagel who met Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Exter nal Af fairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and NSA Ajit Doval on Friday discussed India's purchase of 22 Apache attack helicopters, 15 Chinook heavy-lift choppers and four P-81 anti-submarine aircraft. The Apache helicopters would be armed with Hellfire and Stinger missiles.

There was also reported discussion about a US offer to jointly develop and produce the next generation of the Javelin missile in India for the Indian market as well as for export.

Jaitley and Hagel agreed to take the Defence Technology and Trade Initiative forward. The contact person from the Indian side will be the Secretary, Department of Defence Production, and the United States will be represented by the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Licensing at the Pentagon. Jaitley said, "the development of our own indigenous capabilities is a major objective that guides our present policies. In this direction, we have taken steps to raise FDI cap in the defence sector."

Aug 09 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)

SBI Q1 Net Profit Rises 3%



BEATS STREET Provisioning, treasury income a drag, but lower expenses aid profitability

tate Bank of India reported a 3% rise in quarterly earnings as bad loan provisioning and lower treasury income slowed growth, but a cut in expenses improved profitability. The lender projected a rise in demand for loans from companies whose stalled projects get moving again under a new government and amid signs of a revival in growth.

The bank, pummelled by high default rates in the past due to the economic slowdown, said the demand for loan restructuring is falling as activity picks up.

The bank said that the June quarter net profit rose to .

`3,349 crore from .

`3,241 crore a year earlier. This was higher than the .

`3,250 crore estimated in a poll of analysts by Bloomberg. Net interest income (NII), the difference between revenue earned from lending and cost of funds, rose 15% to .

`13,252 crore from


`11,512 crore a year ago.

"It is slowly starting to look up, but it is still weak," said SBI chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya. "This is also in respect of infra projects that had begun and got stuck but now get going again. As and when they finish (a) particular state of implementation, there will obviously be drawdown on the next stages. There are projects of that sort also to which we have done disbursements.'' Indian banks, especially staterun lenders that funded infrastructure at the behest of the previous government, are only slowly being able to lighten the bad loan burden that became heavy as companies defaultedamid the slowdown and projects got stuck due to indecision and lack of clearances. Although sentiment has perked up with a new government taking over, it may be a while before the economy gathers momentum.

SBI's gross bad loans declined to .

`60,434 crore from .

`60,891 crore last June. Total bad loans and restructured

debt, in which terms have been altered, have fallen to .

`1.02 lakh crore from .

`1.07 lakh crore in December.

"The pipeline is definitely growing thinner," said Bhattacharya, referring to the demand for restructuring of loans. "The inflow that is coming into corporate debt restructuring has slowed down. If your asset quality improves, profitability improves,'' Bhattacharya said.

But the bank is worried about the jump in defaults in its agriculture portfolio, mostly triggered by the Telugu Desam Party's election promise to waive farm loans in Andhra Pradesh. In fact, defaults in other states that are set to hold assembly elections, are also climbing. Fresh defaults in this group stood at .

`1,959 crore in the quarter.

"It begins to have a spillover effect,'' said Bhattacharya.

"It is necessary to have credit discipline, if not, they would not be able to come up to their potential."

Aug 09 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)

Obama Nod for Airstrikes in Iraq Sends FIIs Scurrying for Cover




`503 cr of stocks on oil surge fears; Sensex falls 260 pts

Stock investors, who had expected tapering by the US Federal Reserve to be the biggest party-pooper this year, are battling another enemy — geopolitical concerns. US President Barack Obama's nod for targeted airstrikes in Iraq on Friday, coupled with escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, has heightened the risk potential, sparking a selloff on Dalal Street.

Indian stocks lost some of their sheen as foreign institutional investors (FIIs) sold shares worth .

`503 crore, fearing rising geopolitical worries could lead to a renewed surge in oil prices.

"Investors are concerned that if the geopolitical crisis deepens, FII flows would take a hit," said Raamdeo Agrawal, joint managing director, Motilal Oswal Financial Services.

The Sensex, reflecting the mood, lost 259.87 points, or 1.02%, to close at 25,329.14.

The NSE Nifty shed 80.70 points, or 1.06%, to end the day at 7,568.55. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index, too, fell 1.4% after Obama authorised airstrikes in Iraq. Meanwhile, Russia, in response to sanctions over Uk

raine, imposed an embargo on food imports from the European Union, the US and some other Western countries.

But purchases by domestic institutions, including mutual funds and insurance companies, to the tune of .

`456 crore, helped the markets contain losses on Friday. BSE's mid and small-cap indices fell over 2% as declines outnumbered advances in the ratio of 2,118:800 on the BSE. Metal, capital goods, real estate and bank stocks led the fall on Dalal Street.

The rupee, however, strengthened against the dollar, recovering from a five-month low it had hit earlier in the day.

The Indian currency rose 8 paise, or 0.13%, to close at 61.15 against the dollar from its previous close of 61.23. Earlier in the day, it had touched 61.74, the lowest level since March 5.

Sentiment indicators, however, reveal investors aren't panicking over the geopoliti

markets contain losses on Friday . BSE's mid and small-cap indices fell over 2% as declines outnumbered advances in the ratio of 2,118:800 on the BSE. Metal, capital goods, real estate and bank stocks led the fall on Dalal Street.

The rupee, however, strengthened against the dollar, recovering from a five-month low it had hit earlier in the day.

The Indian currency rose 8 paise, or 0.13%, to close at 61.15 against the dollar from its previous close of 61.23. Earlier in the day, it had touched 61.74, the lowest level since March 5.

Sentiment indicators, however, reveal investors aren't panicking over the geopoliti cal tensions yet. The Volatility Index (VIX), a measure of traders' perception of nearterm risks in the market based on Nifty options prices, rose 3.4% to close at 14.61, off the day's high of 15.18. This gauge is still around the lower end of its trading band.

"This (geopolitics) will only have a shortterm impact on the Indian market. People have so far bought on rumours and sold on news," said Agarwal. "Now investors will slowly start building their long-term portfolio as earnings are improving," he said.

Aug 09 2014 : The Times of India (Bangalore)

US in Iraq again, bombs ISIS to `prevent genocide'

Chidanand Rajghatta & Agencies


But No Boots On Ground, Says Obama

US warplanes bombed Islamist fighters marching on Iraq's Kurdish capital in the north on Friday after President Barack Obama said Washington must act to prevent "genocide".

Militants of the Islamist State (formerly ISIS), who have beheaded captives in their drive to eradicate "infidel" minorities, have advanced to within a half hour's drive of Irbil, the Kurdish capital and a hub for US oil companies.

Pentagon said two fighter jets had dropped bombs on a mobile artillery piece used by ISIS fighters to shell Kurdish forces defending Irbil. The bombing marked the deepest US engagement in Iraq since troops withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.

Obama had on Thursday authorized airstrikes against ISIS even as he pledged not to return US ground troops to the region. Ahead of the strike, US aircraft dropped food and water to minority Yazidis trapped on Mount Sinjar, driven out by ISIS and facing annihilation. US airlines and other commercial carriers have been barred from flying over Iraq except in emergencies.The US President, who campaigned on a platform of extricating US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, suggested his hand was forced by barbaric militants of the ISIS advancing on Irbil, a nerve centre of US operations in Iraq.

"People are starving. And children are dying of thirst.

Meanwhile, ISIS forces below have called for the systematic destruction of the entire Yazidi people," Obama explained in a late-night address from the White House, saying when the US has the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, it is the American thing to take action.

"That's a hallmark of US leadership. That's who we are," the president told a nation that is largely sceptical of getting entangled in foreign crises again after two wars that have cost over a trillion dollars and thousands of casualties. US officials said Pentagon has been authorized to launch airstrikes against ISIS extremists if the military determines that Iraqi troops and Kurdish forces are unable to break the mountain siege and there is imminent danger of massacre of the trapped people.

Danger to nearly 1000 US personnel in Baghdad and Irbil, both under threat from rampaging ISIS forces, will also precipitate air strikes.

Obama's turnaround, which came after weeks of resisting military action, followed continuing ISIS advances in Iraq that a token infusion of about 700 US military personnel failed to stem.

Aug 09 2014 : The Times of India (Ahmedabad)

Fighting resumes in Gaza after 3-day ceasefire ends



Israel Launches Air Strikes After Hamas Fires 45 Rockets

Israel launched air strikes across the Gaza Strip on Friday in response to Palestinian rockets after Egyptian-mediated talks failed to extend a 72-hour truce in a month-long war.

Egypt later called for a resumption of the ceasefire, saying only a few points remained to be agreed. Palestinian factions said they would meet Egyptian mediators later in the day, but there was no sign of any imminent deal.

An Israeli government official said Israel would not negotiate with Palestinians while militants continued to unleash missiles. As warning sirens sounded in southern Israel, the military said "Gaza terrorists" had fired more than 45 rockets on Friday morning and the "Iron Dome" interceptor system had brought down two.

Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the salvoes from the Hamasdominated enclave.

Accusing Hamas of breaking the ceasefire, Israel said several of the rockets had been launched about four hours before the truce was due to end at 8am (0500 GMT). By resuming the attacks, Gaza militants appeared to be trying to put pressure on Israel, making clear they were ready to fight on to end a blockade that both Israel and Egypt have imposed. In the first casualties since Friday, Palestinian medical officials said a 10-year-old boy was killed in an Israeli strike near a mosque in Gaza City . An Islamic Jihad militant was killed in a later hit.

In Israel, police said two people were injured by mortar fire from Gaza. After a huge explosion in Gaza City, a military spokesman said Israel had responded by launching strikes at "terror site" across the Gaza Strip.

Israel had earlier said it was ready to agree to an extension as Egyptian go-betweens pursued negotiations with Israeli and Palestinian delegates. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said Israel had rejected most demands.

Hamas's refusal to extend the ceasefire could further alienate Egypt, whose government has been hostile to the group and which ultimately controls Gaza's main gateway to the world, the Rafah border crossing.

Aug 09 2014 : The Times of India (Ahmedabad)

SBI wants external agency to run Bhushan Steel after MD's arrest



The State Bank of India (SBI) will push for appointing a managing agency to run Bhushan Steel after the arrest of its vice-chairman and managing director Neeraj Singal.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Singal earlier this week in the Rs 50lakh bribery scandal involving Syndicate Bank chairman S K Jain, who is also in custody .

SBI has a Rs 6,000-crore exposure to Bhushan Steel, a sizeable chunk of the steelmaker's Rs 40,000-crore borrowings from Indian banks. Syndicate Bank has a Rs 100-crore exposure the steelmaker . Bhushan Steel's market cap stood at Rs 4,969 crore on Friday.

SBI officials said usually a consultancy firm or an investment bank is appointed as a managing agency to look after the day-to-day affairs of a company .

"We have talked to the consortium leader Punjab National Bank as well as other banks, in cluding private lenders. We will try to bring in a management agency , which will look at the day-to-day running of Bhushan Steel. This is a very good quality asset, it is running properly and we don't want it getting into any kind of trouble," said Arundhati Bhattacharya, SBI chairman.

She said that the managing agen cy would be like an administrator and there was no move to change the management "This is a listed company and we cannot just ask the management to go out," said Bhattacharya.

The SBI chairman said if approved by the consortium of lenders, the proposal would be taken to the board and that they expected the company to be conducive to it.

"Earlier, when there had been an accident (at one of the company's plants), the consortium had advised appointing a safety adviser on the board, which the company did. Even in this case, I don't really think the borrower will have any objections," Bhatta charya said.

Bhattacharya said the SBI was not reviewing its lending to the steelmaker as the loan was a standard asset and instalments were being paid in time. "I don't think a forensic audit is called for at this stage. If at a later date we feel it necessary , we will ask for it," said Bhattacharya.

Founded by its chairman Brij Bhushan Singal, Bhushan Steel has the country's largest cold-rolled steel plant and is a major supplier to automotive companies -it recently increased capacity . The company has three manufacturing plants in Sahidabad (UP), Khopoli (Maharashtra) and Meramandali (Orissa).

Aug 09 2014 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)

VHP HELPLINE ADDRESSES HINDUS' CONCERNS - For `Distressed' Hindus, Help is Just a Call Away



From clearing doubts to legal advice to `saving' Hindu girls, call centre does it all

NEW DELHI The room in Delhi's RK Puram has three people answering phone calls, but this is no ordinary help centre. The three people answering calls are working out of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad office and this is part of the Hindu Helpline, which aims to be a one-stop shop for all things related to the faith -from advice on rituals to guidance on what's to be done if your daughter is being harassed by "Muslim boys".

It's a helpline planned by VHP's Pravin Togadia for the country's majority community and the people staffing the phones insist India's Hindus need a service such as this.

A caller who identifies himself as Pankaj Pradhan from Ranchi says he's in Ramanathapuram and needs help in getting a Navagraha puja conduct ed. The next is from Atmaram in Mumbai who says his plot has been taken over illegally by a Muslim builder. There are a few calls asking about the most auspicious time for rakhi.

Then comes the kind of call that everyone at the help centre knows is important. "I am speaking from Gurgaon. A group of Muslim boys has been harassing my daughter for a while now. Can you help?" Deepak Kumar, the coordina tor of the Hindu Helpline in New Delhi, immediately takes charge and asks the caller to drop by the VHP office. Kumar, who runs a business of selling water purifiers, meticulously writes down the details. "Do they also click pictures when your daughter walks by?

Has he talked to her yet? Does your daughter have a phone?" The call centre functions mainly out of Pune but has help centres in nearly 50 cities, including Delhi. VHP, which celebrates its 50th anniversary the dela VASUDHA next week, VENUGOPAL says the service is run by 40 peo was ins NEW DELHI ple who answer calls full time and boasts of lo least a nearly Five years 30,000-strong network after they submitted ready speakin docuto rements to any spond for adopting Hindu's a child in India, call for help. Indian Devi The and Josephproject helpline will finally was get to see a launched child f with their the sole purpose six-year-old `daughter' of showingwhen"thethe Hindu soon ha non-resident brotherhood in action", Indian settled intold couple Togadia gruellin ET. "From Dallas in the United clearing States doubts oncomes Hinduism to toJoseph, enDelhi suring a hassle-free next month to take her home.

stay in an unknown their fir and It has city providing been a long waitadvice filledon legal prob with NRI co home lems, studies, we try to provide delays andinstant court prowith help to theth cedures.

caller. The attempt "The is to make adoption agency in parts the Hindu feelfol proud Delhi has part of a network been regularly of being sending us adoptio of over 100 pictures of Siara, crore Hindus," but the we feel VHP leader says. Women we have missed out a good The service part of her has handled about 85,000sult, childcallsNR in two years.

hood," said Joseph, For helpless and frustrated 43, who hails opportcallfrom Bangalore ers, the community initiative and works as soft offers in Indi hope ware analyst that their in the concerns US.

will be addressed, "At one change Kumar says.

point, "There we had decided have to adopt been casesa where der wh people child from have alerted China or Ethiopia, us of cows where given to being taken into madrasas," suggesting the schools r with resident could also be doublingIndians, cut proce up as illegal abatelay is much toirs. "We less, have rescued but my wife them by goingGan Maneka in groups.

nsistent We child our are doing it for should attheworking Hindus, liketow look like us," Christians andsaid Joseph, Muslims Juvenile help their people.

Justi Our ing overattempt is to make sure no the phone. ten to adopti Hindu feels anhelpless expatriates in this hoping to adopt country ," Kumarchild welfare says.

d from their home Volunteers say they may country receive at least judges 80d not to havecalls daily, ranging to submit to a much less issues such as from ling Hindu experience tourists than stuck in and pilgrimage Devi Indian spots to author h, who wished about complaints to reveal only neighbours.

Muslim ities stopped first names.curious about rituals Hindus are told accepting about couples could the be treated onprinciples" "scientific a par applications that untheir resident derpin them and counter Indian advised on auspicious from NRIs in days and ollowing religious 2012 activities.

changes timingsbeing made for to October and medical time is also ion Legal, by the Ministry rulesfinancial of help for some en provided and Child Welfare.

to Hindus, As aaccording reto broNRI couples chures forcould have equal the helpline, which overseas has eminentchild retiredfor rtunities adopting senior civil a child of servants, adoption.

doctors and T dia. This will lawyers on its advisory spell a major board.seas adoption ge from The the is publicised existing service rules, unby 430 in 2013-201 Hindu orga nisations, hich the first ashrams preferenceand temples.

is often the `reje The vol tounteers India-based mostly businessmen are couples. ing fair-skinne or stu dents selected for who they know and their ssing willingness time tofrom serve the2-6Hinduyears to 10 community, besides dhi, whose ministry having access is to resources, than of age one yearsuch as bu a vehicle ards fine-tuning that can the arein be used to an be first picked by emergency.

ce Act, has already Dealing the `harassment' with writsaid a senior offici of Hindu girls on in states, part is a significant agencies Adoption Resource of their work.

"We get heads committee a large and number body that about handles of calls and elay the processing Muslim of tions boys harassing girls -at in India.

Hindu adoption least 20 in applica Uttar Pradesh The and official New added, Delhi "T alone, tions. few years Aeveryday ago ," Kumarafter waiting says. for man Of course, the VHP men adoption are scrupulously agencies left to choose from c law-abid ing, he's were asked quick to add.

to stick to "We medical don't issues, whic take these a ratio ofinto matters 80:20, with our handschoose but we tomake go to sure other the police only and a fifth of the chil the give up on community the process.

know it and do something about it."

dren for adoption years, over 8,000 NRI The helpline has a policy of not getting in abroad, in a move inapplied for Indian chi volved in public troduced to curb agitations, have been a few Togadia sho says.

"In cases of trafficking the garb screen in harassment we quickly the NRIinform coupl his VHPled members and theto to a fall in overpolice keep inthe the area." v number s from 628 in As soon as2010-11 to this calls like causearewereceived, know due the t 4.

"What helpline thealerts NRIs get is rules Bajrang Dal weactivists don't haveandma youths cts'. associated NRIs insist on havlist with thefor adoption.

Hindu Samaj.

We w d, Of healthy late, helpline volunteers children less list once havethealso new rules been getting calls from Hindu women married -12 mths andGROWING to Muslims POOL wanting to return to their t such families, men are couples children here," Poolsince especially of eligible many of these big-time bigamists, Kumar says.

al "Their at Centralfamilieschildren for to accept are not ready Authority, them butthe we will try to rehabilitate them," Kumar adopmonitors says. "Theadoption set culture and to of a nature Hindu and Muslim is very different. There is NRIs, he no wayeven grow; a Hindu girl agencies will be happy in a yMuslim months, hildren are . Our women cannot even see family with their husbands welcome move laugh and talk to other hwomen, and there she has to see him share is why they countries his life with orthree or four other wives. Even tually " In the,past 10 she because NO isDELAY alone and with no sup port, she couples is left with no one to care for her."

have ldren The but Govt may do only says it's been able to help in helpline rtlisted.

cases where "We members of a Hindu family many eshave away with in accidents by arranging tickets times died ery and o help with be small in emergencies.

the existing intermediary last rites. It's also been able to ny "Last year, children operatives that to a girl from Chandigarh devel ill expand oped theabdomen pain while on a train severe are notified."

to Delhi. delay process Her father called us frantically and in an hour, our volunteers reached her in Sonepat," says Shibubhai, a member of the organisation.

Devendra Apte from Nashik says he called the helpline once when his brother passed away in New Delhi on an official trip. "Not only did they help with the formalities of post mortem, but also arranged for the body to be sent to Nashik."

The greatest urgency is reserved for calls related to forced conversions. "We consider every call as an emergency call and our strength is our network that we put to use instantly," Shibubhai says.

Then there are Muslims who buy homes in Hindu areas, something Togadia himself has said needs to be actively discouraged.

"Sometimes Hindus living in areas meant for Hindus sell their houses to Muslims, and the situation becomes grave when the latter doesn't vacate, despite neighbours having problems with him," says a volunteer.

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